Structure of the Day
We work with children in their usual classes.
Sessions are 50 - 90 minutes for KS2.
We can work with up to five KS2 classes.
To work with fewer classes, we can visit for just an afternoon or morning session.
To work with more than six classes we can visit across multiple days.
We will send you a suggested timetable when you enquire, and we can work with you to create a timetable that works for your school day.
Workshop Content
Exploration of Stereotypes and characterisations.
Use drama exercises and activities to imagine and explore the characters, context and topics from new angles.
Developing good character and virtues
Explore characterisations - movement and emotions and intentions.
Discuss and debate the decisions of the characters.
Learning Objectives
To think critically about the story by experiencing it first-hand.
To expand vocabulary and develop a stronger command of spoken English.
To develop creative ownership and the imagination by working alongside a drama specialist and education mentor.
To explore different ways of communicating, both verbally and physically.
In Someone Else's Shoes
A fun workshop that challenges the need to rely on stereotypes.
Questions: Why we think the way we do? and Why do we make assumptions about people and thing around us?
In Someone Else's Shoes, is introduced by a practitioner "in role" as a Sergeant morphed when she puts on a pair of army boots. Children are encouraged to imagine themselves as a soldier and to do the drill.
Activites use an intresting assortment of shoes and explores being "in somone else's shoes". The shoes of friends, family and others in a range of situations.
Show Time includes: situation dramas of experinces, imaginary, factual and or personal.

These sessions are tailored to each year's group and can be focused on a particular theme of your choice. Get in touch to find out more.